Welcome from Adrian Turner, CEO at CSIRO’s Data61

By Adrian TurnerAugust 9th, 2018

In the last decade, we have witnessed unprecedented change across our economy, industries and way of life. Computing performance is increasing exponentially, we are consuming and producing more data than ever before, algorithms are getting better and more funding is being invested in AI around the world. We need to examine and test the opportunities and threats that this presents.

We’ve decided to start Algorithm, a monthly newsletter; featuring detailed, exploratory and diverse commentary on the big issues around the work that we’re investing in, and the best writing from our researchers, experts and commentators.

This edition focuses on artificial intelligence. PwC estimates it will add $15.3 trillion to global GDP by 2030. We also know that AI will bring significant economic benefits to Australia, particularly in areas around manufacturing, financial services, resources and health related companies and service providers. How will our lives change as a result of AI and how we can manage it effectively? We explore these questions through the lens of our own deep tech, and the knowledge of own researchers, and we’re looking forward to your comments.

Data61 is already using AI to expand and empower Australian industries. We’ve partnered with GE using machine learning to understand and pre-empt the failure of the engines of ships. We have also worked with Unisys to better predict border security risks. Our researchers have published and spoken widely on the ethical considerations that underpin the development of AI technologies, including a widely-shared piece by Lachlan McCalman in The Conversation, which you can find in this newsletter. And we recently partnered with the Australian National University to help establish the 3A Institute, led by Dr Genevieve Bell to tackle a broad spectrum of ethical, moral and societal questions around AI.

I hope you enjoy the first edition. If you would like to submit topics that you would like addressed in future issues, we would love that.

